Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Phasellus rutrum nulla ut metus varius laoreet.
The Museum of Curiosities houses an intriguing array of exhibits which span the spectrum of fascination and peculiarity. From dusty skeletons to quack medical devices, visitors are greeted with a diverse array of exhibits that defy categorization. They will encounter dental oddities, examples of taxidermy gone wrong, bizarre specimens preserved in jars and quack medical devices. The museum also explores the social history of everyday life, showcasing household curios from bygone eras and celebrates some of the great eccentrics who have graced the streets of Dublin through the years. In addition to its eclectic collection of curiosities, the museum will present idiosyncratic artwork by like-minded creatives based in Ireland, adding a contemporary twist to its displays.
To get an idea of the kind of oddities and curiosities we intend to display at our museum, please visit our Instagram Page and immerse yourself in our unusual universe.
The Museum of Curiosities houses an intriguing array of exhibits which span the spectrum of fascination and peculiarity. From dusty skeletons to quack medical devices, visitors are greeted with a diverse array of exhibits that defy categorization. They will encounter dental oddities, examples of taxidermy gone wrong, bizarre specimens preserved in jars and quack medical devices. The museum also explores the social history of everyday life, showcasing household curios from bygone eras and celebrates some of the great eccentrics who have graced the streets of Dublin through the years. In addition to its eclectic collection of curiosities, the museum will present idiosyncratic artwork by like-minded creatives based in Ireland, adding a contemporary twist to its displays.
To get an idea of the kind of oddities and curiosities we intend to display at our museum, please visit our Instagram Page and immerse yourself in our unusual universe.